Project-Based Learning

What is Project Based Learning?

     PBL is just how it sounds - it is in fact learning by creating projects. For example, if one wanted to learn about the physics of objects in motion, one could read about another person's perceptions on the subject OR develop a unique understanding by creating objects in motion, observing them, and reflecting on the rules these objects follow (see the picture of PBL in my class).  It is my opinion that the latter option is the more dynamic, intrinsically motivating, and influential mode of learning.  It is also a great deal more fun to teach.  Every tool listed on this site can be used for Project Based Learning. In fact, this website is, in itself, an example of PBL as I am learning how to make a website while I'm making a website. :)   Since I am merely a practitioner, and not yet an expert in PBL, links to some experts follow:

Video Introduction to PBL:


Links to Additional Information on Project Based Learning:

Interested in research, videos, blogs, and practical applications for use of technology and project-based learning in education? Learn that the possibilities are endless and extraordinary by visiting

PBL History, Research, and Curriculum:

Project Based Learning with Multimedia:

PBL for Middle and High School Students (Comprehensive):

Houghton-Mifflin's PBL space:

            Want more?  There's loads of other resources on the Web!   


  The Science Behind Experiential Learning:

Theoretical Underpinnings of PBL: 

    Project Based Learning is one of several methods of teaching/learning that stem from the Constructivist Theory of knowledge acquisition. The first link below is to the research that I have done on the history, research, and teaching methods based on the Constructivist Learning Theory.  The second link is to the embedded nature and importance of choice in most Constructivist based teaching methods.

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Project Based Learning allows for a great deal of creativity on the part of both the teacher and the student.  
 Creativity is...


         Creativity is the scaffolding of learning, the ability to build connections between known and new information. Creativity is the spice of life, the excitement; it is the “U” in Understanding. Creativity is your spin, your world-view, your unique perception of problems and ideas. Creativity is voice and heart. Creativity is knowing without ever having been wrong. Creativity is understanding that you never really know anything anyway. Creativity is flexibility and art, utilizing different senses, utilizing different backgrounds and bringing some understanding into being that has never been brought, exactly as it is, before.  


Project-Based Learning Lessons and How-Tos

  The diffinitive spot for research and resources on Project-Based Learning is at  Sign-up and view examples, collaborate with other teachers on a project, or begin a project of your own with their project creation forms. The cool part of this website is it allows for collaboration amongst teachers and experts from anywhere in the world. The use of many interested minds with students best interests at heart will ensure an excellent project.

If you would prefer to create your own PBL lesson without the digital forms, a how-to guide on PBL lesson planning was created by Gloria J. Edwards that will walk novice users through the process of creating effective and meaningful Project-Based lessons.

For organizational tips and checklists for creating and managing projects, check out PBL Checklist:

My own integrated example of a PBL lesson & planning: 

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About Our Class:
Inspiration = Dog

    Our tech course emphasized learning a variety of technology utilizing a constructivist approach. We develpoed projects to use the technology and later discussed ways in which we could apply the various technologies to the classroom. This method of learning the tools, without constraint, proved effective and stimulating. Since we didn't spend much time conceptually developing content specifically to apply to classrooms prior to development, some of my projects utilized subject matter that was fun and readily available to me; my dog! Bosely was very excited to be the subject of two tech projects; a podcast and a video (Student Film). They were silly projects but enabled me to learn an unfamiliar form of expression. I recommend this method to you as well; get a hang of the technology first, then discover the myriad of ways that it can be applied to your class.  It's Project-Based Learning!